


The Collected Poems

书名:The Collected Poems

作者:Sylvia Plath


That all merit’s in being meat

Seasoned how he’d most approve;

Blood’s broth,

Filched by his hand,

Choice wassail makes, cooked hot,

Cupped quick to mouth;

Though prime parts cram each rich meal,

He’ll not spare

Nor scant his want until

Sacked larder’s gone bone-bare.


The moon’s man stands in his shell,

Bent under a bundle

Of sticks. The light falls chalk and cold

Upon our bedspread.

His teeth are chattering among the leprous

Peaks and craters of those extinct volcanoes.

He also against black frost

Would pick sticks, would not rest

Until his own lit room outshone

Sunday’s ghost of sun;

Now works his hell of Mondays in the moon’s ball,

Fireless, seven chill seas chained to his ankle.


Hearing a white saint rave

About a quintessential beauty

Visible only to the paragon heart,

I tried my sight on an apple-tree

That for eccentric knob and wart

Had all my love.


All summer we moved in a villa brimful of echoes,

Cool as the pearled interior of a conch.

Bells, hooves, of the high-stepping black goats woke us.

Around our bed the baronial furniture

Foundered through levels of light seagreen and strange.

Not one leaf wrinkled in the clearing air.


No deaths, no prodigious injuries

Glut these hunters after an old meat,

Blood-spoor of the austere tragedies.

Mother Medea in a green smock

Moves humbly as any housewife through

Her ruined apartments, taking stock

Of charred shoes, the sodden upholstery:

Cheated of the pyre and the rack,

The crowd sucks her last tear and turns away.


I’m a riddle in nine syllables,

An elephant, a ponderous house,

A melon strolling on two tendrils.

O red fruit, ivory, fine timbers!

This loaf’s big with its yeasty rising.

Money’s new-minted in this fat purse.

I’m a means, a stage, a cow in calf.

I’ve eaten a bag of green apples,

Boarded the train there’s no getting off.


The month of flowering’s finished. The fruit’s in,

Eaten or rotten. I am all mouth.

October’s the month for storage.

This shed’s fusty as a mummy’s stomach:

Old tools, handles and rusty tusks.


Clownlike, happiest on your hands,

Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled,

Gilled like a fish. A common-sense

Thumbs-down on the dodo’s mode.

Wrapped up in yourself like a spool,

Trawling your dark as owls do.

Mute as a turnip from the Fourth

Of July to All Fools’ Day,

O high-riser, my little loaf.

Vague as fog and looked for like mail.

Farther off than Australia.

Bent-backed Atlas, our traveled prawn.

Snug as a bud and at home

Like a sprat in a pickle jug.

A creel of eels, all ripples.

Jumpy as a Mexican bean.

Right, like a well-done sum.

A clean slate, with your own face on.


The abstracts hover like dull angels:

Nothing so vulgar as a nose or an eye

Bossing the ethereal blanks of their face-ovals.

Their whiteness bears no relation to laundry,

Snow, chalk or suchlike. They’re

The real thing, all right: the Good, the True—

Salutary and pure as boiled water,

Loveless as the multiplication table.

While the child smiles into thin air.


Gold mouths cry with the green young

certainty of the bronze boy

remembering a thousand autumns

and how a hundred thousand leaves

came sliding down his shoulderblades

persuaded by his bronze heroic reason.

We ignore the coming doom of gold

and we are glad in this bright metal season.

Even the dead laugh among the goldenrod.

The bronze boy stands kneedeep in centuries,

and never grieves,

remembering a thousand autumns,

with sunlight of a thousand years upon his lips

and his eyes gone blind with leaves.



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